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Germantown Academy finishes strong, 在“希望篮球”经典赛|安德鲁·罗宾逊上,卡罗大主教位居榜首




在爱国者队本赛季的三场失利中,最后一局表现出了他们大部分的挫败感. 周日在阿卡迪亚大学举行的希望篮球赛精英赛上,与大主教卡罗尔进行了又一场势均力敌的比赛, it came down to the fourth again.

这一次,GA最终以40-32的比分战胜了去年的paa 6A冠军.

“我们每天都在练习,”GA大四学生伊莎贝拉·凯西说. “面对这种压力是我们本赛季一直在努力的事情, so we showed up every day and worked on it this week.”

It might seem odd to say GA (13-3, 马刺队在第四节结束时表现强劲,球队没有转化一个投篮得分, 但不像上周输给奥登里德,也不像早些时候输给奥哈拉枢机主教和他的朋友们, it ended with a win. 这在很大程度上与防守努力有关,这让卡罗尔(7胜5负)止步不前, 2-0 PCL) to just nine second-half points.

Last Sunday, GA在对阵奥登里德的比赛中有很多机会,但都投丢了很多球, 失误和失败的机会让爱国者队付出了代价. 对卡罗尔队,也是爱国者队,这是一个弥补的机会.

“我认为我们变得更加强硬了,”GA后卫杰斯·科勒茨基说. “We knew we had to be super tough to beat Carroll today. After Audenried, we wanted it so much more.”

Kolecki had a strong game on Sunday, the junior guard netting a game-high 16 points, adding six rebounds and four assists. Her energy on defense, which featured several deflections on top of two steals, helped set the tone on that end.

第四节比赛结束了,但第三节改变了比赛的节奏. Archbishop Carroll was the tougher team in the first half, PCL方面的进攻玻璃和扩大得分.

Coming out of the halftime break, GA也打出了一波11:0的攻势,将23-21的落后转变为32-23的领先.

“上半场很多时候,我们给了他们很多进攻篮板,”凯西说. “We were rebounding well, which allowed us to run more offense. 上半场我们得分的机会有限,我们需要改变这一点.”

Carroll and GA have a lot of similarities, both teams are heavy on guards and wings and play physical. 知道他们将面对一支进攻型的防守球队,GA试图把这作为一个优势.

“我们的后门切得很好,在中路进行了大量的传球,试图利用他们的高防守压力来对付他们,” Kolecki said.

在球场的另一端,十大体育外围平台排名不得不做出一些改变. GA played predominantly zone in the second half, something else Kolecki said the team worked on this week.

“On defense, 他们打出了令人难以置信的比赛,所以我们必须摆脱人对人的防守,因为他们为球员打出了如此棒的比赛,” Casey said. “当我们进入这个区域时,它有点把他们带出了他们的场景.”

GA在本月早些时候对阵圣母大学的比赛中取得了首场大胜,而周四将迎来与劲敌宾夕法尼亚大学宪章大学的两场联赛中的首场比赛. GA名单上没有一个球员赢得过Inter-Ac冠军,而他们离那还有很长的路要走, Sunday was also a first for all of them.

“我们队里没有一个女孩打败过卡罗尔,”凯西说. “这对我们来说是一场巨大的胜利,他们是一支我们想要击败的球队,因为他们一直都很出色.”

Germantown Academy 40, Archbishop Carroll 32
Germantown Academy 13 8 11 8 – 40
Archbishop Carroll 17 6 3 6 – 32
Germantown Academy: Jess Kolecki 5 6-6 16, Isabella Casey 4 6-7 14, Gabby Bowes 2 0-0 6, Jess Aponik 1 0-2 0, Jenna Aponik 0 2-2 2. Totals: 12 14-17 40.
Archbishop Carroll: Alexis Eberz 7 0-0 17, Brooke Wilson 4 1-3 9, Olivia Nardi 1 0-0 3, Abbie McFillin 1 1-2 3. Totals: 13 1-7 32.